Interview Techniques: How to Conduct a Successful Podcast Interview

  1. Hosting and production
  2. Creating quality content
  3. Interview techniques

InterviewTechniques: How to Create an Engaging True Crime Podcast and Scriptwriting Tips

Creating captivating content aligned with your podcast concept for your true crime podcast relies onthe skillful art of conducting interviews and incorporating scriptwriting tips. From eliciting spine-chillingconfessions to solving complex mysteries, the secret is in perfecting the craftof compelling storytelling through conversations.

But how do you ensure your podcast distinguishes itself in thecrowded true crime narrative space? Keep reading to uncover the strategies thatcan transform your interviews from ordinary to extraordinary, maintaining youraudience's rapt attention episode after episode.

What you Need

To produce captivating truecrime podcast interviews, you'll need appropriate equipment and an engagingnarrative technique.

First, secure a top-notchmicrophone to ensure your audience enjoys crystal-clear audio. A pop filterwill help minimize any distracting noises such as plosives or hissing sounds.

Dependable recordingsoftware is crucial for capturing and editing your interviews with ease. Theseelements are key to delivering a professional auditory experience.

The caliber of your toolssignificantly influences the overall quality of your podcast. By focusing onacquiring superior equipment, you establish a foundation for success in thecompetitive true crime podcasting scene.

Therefore, gather yourtools, refine your narrative abilities, and prepare to enthrall your listenerswith fascinating interviews and stories.


Begin by researching potentialinterviewees who've compelling stories to share in the true crime genre. Lookfor individuals who've firsthand experience with crime, law enforcement, or thejustice system.

Once you have identified suitablecandidates, follow these steps to conduct engaging interviews for your truecrime podcast:

1.         Prepare Thoughtful Questions: Create a list of questions that probe deep into theinterviewee's experiences, emotions, and viewpoints. Thoughtful questions canlead to detailed answers that captivate your audience.

2.         Build Rapport: Make a connection with the interviewee by showing genuine interestin their story. Building rapport can help them feel more at ease sharingpersonal details and can lead to a more engaging conversation.

3.         Listen Actively: Focus closely on the interviewee's responses and follow up oninteresting points they mention. Active listening demonstrates respect and canreveal additional details that make the interview more compelling.

What to do

Researching potentialinterviewees with compelling stories in the true crime genre is crucial forcreating engaging true crime podcast interviews. Look for individuals who canprovide unique perspectives or personal experiences related to the cases you wantto cover. Once you have identified possible guests, contact them with a clearand brief pitch explaining why you believe their story would be a greataddition to your podcast. Be sure to conduct detailed background research onthe interviewee and the case they're connected with to prepare relevant andthought-provoking questions.

When conducting the actualinterview, ensure a comfortable and safe environment for your guest to sharetheir story. Employ active listening techniques to show genuine interest intheir narratives. Encourage them to share more by asking open-ended questionsthat allow for detailed responses. Remember to respect their boundaries andemotions during the conversation. After the interview, thank them for theirtime and openness to share their experiences.

Optional Steps

Consider adding more depthand interest to your true crime podcast interviews with these three additionalsteps to captivate your audience further:

1.         Professional Analysis: Bring on board experts such as detectives, forensic psychologists,or legal experts for their professional opinions on the cases you discuss.Their specialized knowledge can add a layer of authority and intrigue to yourpodcast, enriching the content for your listeners.

2.         Direct Interviews: Whenever feasible, aim to conduct interviews with individualsclosely involved in the case, such as victims, witnesses, or even perpetrators(when safe and suitable). Listening to these firsthand experiences canintroduce a genuine and emotional aspect to your narrative, deeply engagingyour audience.

3.         Audience Interaction: Think about integrating segments where you address listenerfeedback, host Q&A sessions, or even air live episodes that allow listenersto join in on discussions or pose questions. Interacting with your audiencedirectly can foster a community feeling around your podcast and encouragelisteners to keep returning.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can IEffectively Use Sound Effects and Music to Enhance the Storytelling in My TrueCrime Podcast?

To make your true crime podcast more compelling, cleverly integratesound effects and music. Use unsettling noises to create an atmosphere oftension, employ suspenseful tunes to heighten anticipation, and highlightcrucial moments with impactful musical cues. Be creative in your approach, yetkeep in mind that sometimes a subtler touch can be more effective.

What Are SomeStrategies for Building Suspense and Keeping Listeners Engaged Throughout theEpisode?

To maintain listener interest, change the tempo by introducingsuspenseful moments at the end of sections. Use small, intriguing clues tobuild curiosity. Enhance the atmosphere with audio effects and backgroundscores. Keep a delicate balance between giving out details and keeping certainelements a mystery until the moment feels right.

How Can IRespectfully Handle Sensitive Subject Matter and Victims' Stories in My TrueCrime Podcast?

When handling sensitive topics and stories of victims in your truecrime podcast, it's crucial to prioritize respect through comprehensiveresearch, obtaining permission, and presenting details with care. Showingempathy and being open about your process can guide you through these difficultsubjects respectfully.

Are There AnyLegal Considerations or Permissions I Need to Obtain When Using Real-Life CaseDetails in My Podcast?

When incorporating details of real-life cases into your podcast,it's crucial to consider the legal aspects. Obtain the required permissions,particularly when touching upon delicate topics. Be respectful towards theindividuals involved and focus on responsible and ethical narration.

How Can IEffectively Promote and Market My True Crime Podcast to Reach a Wider Audience?

To effectively promote and market your true crime podcast, interactwith your audience on various social media platforms, partner with otherpodcast creators, secure guest spots on similar podcasts, apply SEO techniquesto your website, and think about utilizing targeted advertising.

Sandy Elite
Sandy Elite

Sandy Elite, a local writer for a radio station in Iowa, has always been captivated by the realm of podcasts. Growing up, she discovered the enchanting worlds of "Welcome To Nightvale," "This American Life," and "Something Scary," which ignited her passion for storytelling and the power of audio. With an insatiable curiosity for all things that stimulate the imagination, Sandy is now embarking on a fascinating journey to unveil the intricacies of starting a podcast in her captivating blog. Join her as she unravels the behind-the-scenes magic and shares invaluable insights into the art of podcast creation.