A Beginner's Guide to Closed-Back Headphones for True Crime Podcasting

  1. Equipment and setup
  2. Headphones
  3. Closed-back headphones

Welcome to the world of true crime podcasting, where every detail counts. As a beginner, you may be overwhelmed with the endless options of equipment and setup available. But fear not, as we are here to guide you through one of the most essential pieces of equipment for your podcast - in-ear headphones. These headphones are a crucial part of your setup, providing you with isolation and precision to ensure that you don't miss a single detail in your recordings. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about closed-back headphones, their benefits, and how to choose the right pair for your true crime podcasting needs.

So let's dive in and explore the world of closed-back headphones for true crime podcasting. Are you looking to start a true crime podcast but not sure where to begin? Look no further than closed-back headphones! These versatile and reliable headphones are a must-have for any aspiring podcaster. In this article, we'll cover all the basics of closed-back headphones and how they can help you kickstart your true crime podcasting journey. First, let's define what closed-back headphones are. Unlike open-back headphones, which allow sound to escape through the back of the ear cups, closed-back headphones have sealed ear cups that prevent sound from escaping. This makes them perfect for recording and editing audio, as they provide better isolation and help you focus on the sound you're producing. Now, let's look at some key features to consider when choosing closed-back headphones for your true crime podcast.

Comfort is crucial, as you'll be wearing them for extended periods. Look for padded ear cups and an adjustable headband for a snug fit. You should also consider the frequency response, which determines the range of frequencies the headphones can produce. For podcasting, a wider frequency response (20Hz-20kHz) is ideal, as it captures both low and high-end sounds. It's also important to pay attention to the type of driver in the headphones.

Dynamic drivers are most common and offer a well-balanced sound, while planar magnetic drivers deliver a more detailed and accurate sound. Lastly, look for features like noise-canceling and detachable cables, which can make your podcasting experience more enjoyable and convenient. Now that you know what to look for in closed-back headphones, let's explore some popular options on the market. The Audio-Technica ATH-M50x is a top choice for its excellent sound quality and durability. The Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro is another great option, known for its superior comfort and noise isolation.

For a more budget-friendly option, the Sony MDR-7506 offers exceptional sound quality and a foldable design for easy portability. As a true crime podcaster, you'll also need to consider your microphone setup. Closed-back headphones are perfect for monitoring your audio while recording, but you'll also need a separate microphone for capturing your voice. Consider investing in a USB or XLR microphone, depending on your budget and needs. Finally, let's discuss some ideas for incorporating true crime into your podcast. You could focus on unsolved mysteries, notorious criminals, or even delve into the psychology behind criminal behavior.

Don't be afraid to get creative and find your niche in the true crime podcasting world.

Anybody likely to disagree?

Some may argue that open-back headphones are better for podcasting because they allow for more natural sound. While this is true, closed-back headphones offer better isolation and are more versatile for recording and editing audio. Plus, you can always use both types of headphones for different stages of production.

Idea Generation for True Crime Podcasting

If you're interested in starting a true crime podcast, you probably already have a love for all things mysterious and thrilling. But coming up with creative ideas for your podcast can be a daunting task.

Luckily, closed-back headphones can provide the perfect inspiration for your true crime storytelling. One idea is to use your headphones to immerse yourself in the world of true crime. Close your eyes and put on your headphones while listening to chilling true crime stories. This will help you get into the mindset of a true crime podcaster and spark ideas for your own episodes. Another idea is to use your headphones for sound effects and background music. Closed-back headphones can block out external noise, allowing you to focus on creating the perfect ambiance for your podcast.

From eerie music to bone-chilling sound effects, your headphones can help bring your true crime stories to life. Lastly, consider using your headphones for research. With their noise-cancelling capabilities, closed-back headphones are ideal for listening to audio recordings and interviews. This can help you gather information and insights for your podcast that you may not have found otherwise.

Microphone Setup for Podcasting

When it comes to podcasting, having high-quality audio is crucial. That's why choosing the right microphone to pair with your closed-back headphones is an important step in creating professional sounding episodes.

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect microphone for your podcasting needs. First, consider the type of microphone you need. There are three main types: dynamic, condenser, and ribbon. Dynamic microphones are great for recording vocals and instruments with a strong sound source. Condenser microphones are more sensitive and capture a wider range of frequencies, making them ideal for vocals and acoustic instruments.

Ribbon microphones are known for their warm, natural sound and are often used in studio recordings. Next, think about your budget. While there are many high-end microphones on the market, you don't have to break the bank to get a good quality microphone. Do some research and read reviews to find a microphone that fits your budget and still delivers the sound quality you desire. Another important factor to consider is the polar pattern of the microphone. This refers to the direction in which the microphone picks up sound.

For podcasting, a cardioid or bi-directional polar pattern is ideal as they focus on capturing sound from one direction and minimize background noise. Lastly, make sure to test out different microphones before making a purchase. The best way to determine if a microphone is right for you is to try it out and see how it sounds with your voice. Some microphones may sound great on one person's voice but not as good on another's.

Debunking the Open-Back vs. Closed-Back Debate

One of the most common debates among podcasters is whether to use open-back or closed-back headphones for recording and editing their episodes.

Open-back headphones are known for their superior sound quality and wide soundstage, while closed-back headphones are praised for their noise isolation and minimal sound leakage. But when it comes to true crime podcasting, which one reigns supreme?Many argue that open-back headphones are the better choice because they provide a more natural and accurate sound. However, this argument falls short when it comes to podcasting. In a true crime podcast, it's crucial to have clear and isolated audio to capture every detail and nuance of the story.

This is where closed-back headphones shine. With closed-back headphones, you can block out external noise and focus solely on your recording. This allows for a more precise and accurate sound, making it easier for you to catch any background noises that could potentially ruin your recording. Additionally, closed-back headphones prevent sound leakage, ensuring that your audience only hears what you want them to hear. Furthermore, true crime podcasting often involves sensitive and disturbing subject matter. Closed-back headphones provide a sense of privacy and intimacy, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the story without any distractions or outside interference.

This is essential for creating a captivating and engaging podcast. So while open-back headphones may be a popular choice among audiophiles, when it comes to true crime podcasting, closed-back headphones are the clear winner. Don't let the debate sway you – choose closed-back headphones for a professional and seamless podcasting experience.

Popular Closed-Back Headphone Options

When it comes to choosing closed-back headphones for your true crime podcast, there are plenty of options on the market. However, not all headphones are created equal, and it's important to choose a pair that will meet your specific needs. Here are some top-rated closed-back headphones that are highly recommended for podcasting:Sennheiser HD280PROThe Sennheiser HD280PRO is a popular choice among podcasters for its excellent noise isolation and comfortable fit.

These headphones also have a sturdy build and deliver clear and accurate sound, making them perfect for editing and monitoring your podcast recordings.

Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO

The Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO headphones are known for their exceptional sound quality and comfort. They have a closed-back design that provides excellent noise isolation, making them a great choice for recording in noisy environments. They also have a durable build and come with a detachable cable for added convenience.

Audio-Technica ATH-M50x

The Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones are another popular option for podcasters, thanks to their superior sound quality and comfortable fit. They have a closed-back design that offers good noise isolation, as well as a detachable cable and foldable design for easy storage and portability.

Sony MDR7506

The Sony MDR7506 headphones are a budget-friendly option that still deliver high-quality sound.

They have a closed-back design with good noise isolation and a comfortable fit, making them ideal for podcasting. They also have a long coiled cable for added flexibility during recordings. When choosing between these popular closed-back headphone options, consider factors such as sound quality, noise isolation, comfort, and convenience. With the right pair of headphones, you'll be well on your way to producing a top-notch true crime podcast.

Finding the Right Closed-Back Headphones

When it comes to choosing the perfect closed-back headphones for your true crime podcast, there are a few key features to consider. These features can make all the difference in the quality of your audio and your overall podcasting experience.

1.Noise Isolation

One of the most important factors to look for in closed-back headphones is noise isolation.

This means that the headphones are designed to block out external noises, allowing you to focus on recording and listening without any distractions. As a true crime podcaster, you'll want to make sure that your listeners can hear every detail of your storytelling without any interruptions.

2.Comfort and Fit

Since you'll likely be wearing your closed-back headphones for extended periods of time, it's important to choose a pair that is comfortable and fits securely on your head. Look for headphones with soft padding and adjustable headbands to ensure a comfortable fit. This will also help prevent any discomfort or fatigue during long recording sessions.

3.Frequency Response

The frequency response of closed-back headphones refers to the range of frequencies that the headphones can reproduce.

For true crime podcasts, it's important to have a wide frequency response as it allows for more detailed and accurate sound reproduction. Look for headphones with a frequency response of at least 20Hz-20kHz.


As a podcaster, you'll likely be using your closed-back headphones frequently and on-the-go. This means that they should be durable enough to withstand daily wear and tear. Look for headphones with sturdy construction and high-quality materials to ensure they can handle the demands of podcasting. By considering these key features, you'll be able to find the right closed-back headphones for your true crime podcasting needs.

Remember to also consider your budget and any additional features you may want, such as detachable cables or wireless capabilities. With the right pair of closed-back headphones, you'll be well on your way to creating a high-quality and engaging true crime podcast. Closed-back headphones are an essential tool for starting a true crime podcast. They provide the necessary isolation and sound quality for recording and editing audio, while also being comfortable and versatile enough for everyday use. By considering the key features and popular options, you can find the perfect pair of closed-back headphones to kickstart your true crime podcasting journey.

Sandy Elite
Sandy Elite

Sandy Elite, a local writer for a radio station in Iowa, has always been captivated by the realm of podcasts. Growing up, she discovered the enchanting worlds of "Welcome To Nightvale," "This American Life," and "Something Scary," which ignited her passion for storytelling and the power of audio. With an insatiable curiosity for all things that stimulate the imagination, Sandy is now embarking on a fascinating journey to unveil the intricacies of starting a podcast in her captivating blog. Join her as she unravels the behind-the-scenes magic and shares invaluable insights into the art of podcast creation.